Transport services around the world
Phone numbers by actual address | +7 (981) 982-90-53 |
E-mail address | |
Website | |
ОГРН | 1165321050025 |
ИНН | 5321180080 |
КПП | 532101001 |
ОКПО | 23537671 |
ОКАТО | 49401000000 |
ОКВЭД | 46,90 |
ОКОГУ | 4210014 |
Kind of activity | Wholesale trade, cargo transportation |
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RUSSIA 173007, Veliky Novgorod,
st. Ludogosha, 3 office 418
Tel. +7 (981) 982-90-53
Representative offices in SAINT PETERSBURG and MOSCOW
st. Ludogosha, 3 office 418
Tel. +7 (981) 982-90-53
Representative offices in SAINT PETERSBURG and MOSCOW